Yet another guide to when youve been reading too much Misty.. 1. Youre so upset about Firesong having his heart broken that you want An'desha sacrificed for the good of the people. 2.You obsess FOR Vanyel.. "Wasn't a lifebond enough to live for? So, he lost his twin and was repudiated. Why didn't he think of his ashke? Why did he jump? Why? Why?! Why! 3.You try to convert all your friends: You: "Please! Just one book! Just try one book and I'll never ask you again!" Valdemar illiterate friend: "Fine! Just leave me alone!" 4. You realize with a start that nobody in your town even knows what a Companion is! 5. The freaks at school start calling YOU a freak! 6. You are so desparate to talk to someone that has heard of Valdemar that you frantically write or e-mail random someones/everyones you find in Q.O. or related 'zines. 7. You've officially changed your name to that of your persona's... "I'm sorry. Melissa doesn't live here now. She had a freak accident with a train. But my name is Kaleisra and...." 8. For your Mythology mid-term you are comparing Valdemar to other Mythologies: "....And in conclusion they are similar in many ways. Vanyel is the equivelent of the Greek Hercules, 'cept much, MUCH better. We can think of Companions as messengers of Loki, the Norse mischief god...." 9. Your bedroom looks remarkably like an ekele. 10. In your closet you have: Woking whites, fighting whites, ceremony whites, party whites, riding whites, Tayledras whites, Tayledras mage robes, Tayledras scout clothes, Kal'enedral blacks, bard scarlets, a sword that resembles Need, Vademar daggers, Tayledras jewelry...... 11. Your sea monkeys bear the names: Vanyel, Tylendel, Stefen, Hadanelith, Skandranon, Gwena, Yfandes, Gala, Skif, Elspeth, Seleney, Talia, Kethry, Kessira, Tarma, Withen, Urthro, Amberdrake, and those two black guppies that the other fish try to eat are Ma'ar and Ancar. Oh, no! We forgot Kerowyn! 12.Your chess pieces are miniature characters: "Vanyel to Elspeth four." (That would be knight to queen's fourth pawn) 13. You drag yourself to school, half awake, becouse you couldn't get to sleep the night before until you'd RE-read the Last Herald-Mage trilogy.